Ocean Viking - PSV/ MRV/ ERRV
Purpose built with FiFi II, Oil Rec (NOFO), UK (group A) and Nor standby with large cargo capacities Low fuel consumption and SCR system

Sartor - PSV/ MRV/ ERRV/ IMR
Purpose built PSV/ ERRV/ MRV with DP II, FiFi II, Oil Rec (NOFO), UK/ Nor ERRV FRDC, large cargo capacities. DPII and HiPap
Sar Loke - AHTS/ MRV/ ERRV
Multirole support vessel, 200 tons BP, ERRV, DP II, FiFi II, Oil Rec, azimuth thruster and upgraded for SAL handling and TAV. UK/ Nor ERRV duties including FRDC
Medium size modern OSV with high station keeping and redundancy capacities. SPS 49 with 31 cabins DP II. Prepared for ERRV

Nor Solan - AHTS/ MRV/ ERRV
No 1 of 4 new build AHTS/ Multirole support vessel with FiFi II, Oil Rec, Tow, DP II, ERRV, 22 cabins – 60 beds, all under deck, ERN 4 x 99 indep azimuth, prepared for Large Crane, A frame

Sar Brage - PSV - Subsea Support -SPS
Large size PSV with good station keeping, cargo capacities, large accommodation and SPS. Do have Tier III Aux engines with SCR.

Sar Odin - PSV
Large size diesel electric PSV with good station keeping, cargo capacities. Can be upgraded to Low NOx machinery

Sar Mariner - PSV – Subsea Support - SPS
Large size PSV with good station keeping, cargo capacities, large accommodation and SPS. Can be upgraded to Low NOx machinery

Sar Balder - PSV
Medium size PSV with good station keeping and FIFI1. Do have Tier III Aux engines with SCR.